Friend Game is about to be published-Byline

by David ElliottMon 13 Nov (Updated at Mon 13 Nov)

Just to bring to everyone attention that a friend of mine Derek Lovell is starting the launch of his game, Byline. I've seen this game evolve over the last 4 years and he's finally getting it to the point of publishing. It's a great worker(ish) placement game is very thematic.

Anyway his sign up plage has just gone live and I'm sure it's something many of you would enjoy. Please have a look and sign up for notifications as he's a first time designer he will need all your support. To say again it's a great game lets help him get it though Kickstart and on to ours shelves!


  • PD
    Paul Dent
    Ask Derek to bring a prototype along to the club. Meanwhile we'll sign up to the game so that we have at least got access to the pledge manner in case the KS run expires before anyone gets chance to play it