Vinhos copy needed for 2nd March

by RobinSun 29 Jan (Updated at Sun 29 Jan)

Hi - can anyone lend my group a copy of Vinhos for our tournament game on 2nd March please?


  • I
    I think the two owners are Pedro and Dan M. Although more did vote to say they had it
    • I
      Ed also has a copy
    • KC
      Karen Cooper
      I also have a copy you can use
      • Hi, I lent the club my copy for the tournment. My copy, I believe, is with Paul. If no one else uses my copy that day, you are free to use it. If you need any of my games ( Vital Lacerda or otherwise ;) ) , let me know and I'll gladly lend them to you. Pedro Freitas
        • R
          Thanks very much all - sounds like there should be one available at least!