Game crafter challenge

by Dan BateTue 2 May (Updated at Tue 2 May)

Hi folks,

The Game Crafter has just launched it's latest challenge (

The premise is you get 90 days to design a game given a particular restriction. This time it seems a bit tricky, needing to create a game with table presence which will probably require a bit of print and play engineering but should be interesting.

I've done one of these in the past and it was a lot of fun and if others were interested it would be cool to get a playtest group going.


  • PD
    Paul Dent
    I'll help out/play test etc...
    • R
      Will talk to you about this next time we're at the club. I'll be looking for some playtesting myself soon on an unrelated project.
      • DB
        Dan Bate
        Ooo exciting